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I am a happy mad scientist at heart. Pretty sure my middle name was “How?” when I was growing up. I believe in possibilities and have learned over the years that questions are like seeds, they give birth to the answers.

In school, I did everything “Art”. After that, needing a way to pay rent, I did like most and entered the corporate world and continued my love affair with making art at night school and workshops. In 2010 I opened Infused Glass Works and began my artist journey full-time.


I’m inspired by nature and the world around me. Flora over fauna. Probably because I love color so much and flowers don’t bite. Some artists prefer to create in shapes leaving the details to the viewers' imagination. Although I agree this is important, it’s the juicy details that make the story for me. Kinda like people, they may be appealing to look at at first but it’s their unique details that draw you in and keep your interest. 


Glass fusion is the “sweet spot” between stained and blown glass. It’s cut like stained glass and then heated to molten hot temperatures like blown glass. Hours of experimentation are a big part of this craft. Each sheet of colored glass has different minerals like glaze. If one color reacts differently under heat and cools faster than another, the piece will crack. It is oh sooooo worth it though because no other medium plays with light quite the same.


I’m a "follow my heart" kinda gal and variety is the spice of life which means I had to answer the calling and add painting to my repertoire. Every new skill influences and enhances other mediums in wonderful ways. I find satisfaction in balancing the elements of a composition or designing complementary pattern series. The intention behind each piece is to uplift and spread joy.

So my art is an ever-unfolding story told in glass and canvas and now in the digital world of NFTs. I’m super excited to see where this leads and to be able to share my art with a whole new world of people. Thank you!

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Autumn Landscape

Apparently, Skittles do grow on trees. Fun abstract take on my fave season. Glass painting



golden birch forest

I love the time of year when all the leaves change color. I want to walk endlessly through the leaves exploring all the vibrant underbrush for hidden delights

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Autumn’s Passionate Goodbye

With the first kiss of frost something stirs in the veins calling leaves to let go and soar with the wind. Blushing crimson with excitement they near jump off the trees in their passionate abandon. Dancing their wave goodbye across the skies. Glass painting.




Like a medal worn with pride, so is your word.

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Every generation like a beautiful flower, a shining star, proudly shining its light unto the world

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